We have it on the tailgates of our trucks, and you’ve heard the Call Okie jingle on the radio a hundred times. We just can’t say how important it is for you to make sure there are no underground cables before you dig, trench, or do other excavation work on your property or on the highway or county right-of-way. Right before Memorial Day weekend, we had to repair a 25-pair cable that was accidentally cut by a contractor that didn’t call 811 to have us locate our lines. It’s not only a good idea, it’s the law. Oklahoma law requires anyone planning on digging or excavation to call for a locate of all underground facilities. It’s a quick, one-minute phone call, and it’s free. What’s not free is if you cut, even accidentally, a cable, water pipe, or electric line. Also, and most importantly, you are endangering your life. Underground power lines can kill in an instant. So just do the right thing… Call 811 before you dig!